Sam Bradshaw
PO Box 400308
Booker House
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4308
Sam provides administrative support to Vice Provost for Pan-University Initiatives Megan Barnett; Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Matt Banfield; and Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Josipa Roska.
Full Bio
She also helps administer the University Seminars program, including course scheduling, and stewards academic program agreements through the signature process. Prior to joining the Provost's Office in 2023, Sam worked primarily in marketing and communications roles for non-profit organizations. She holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Mary Washington. Sam is a poetry enthusiast who never leaves the house without a book and a notebook, and is also the volunteer executive director for Sugar Hollow Day Camp, a two-week Girl Scout camp program in Crozet, VA.